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Brazil Predictions


Surebet Brazil is the leading provider of sure bet predictions, tips and fixed matches in Brazil. We have over 10 years experience in enabling customers in Brazil make good betting decisions and maximize profits. We offer the best correct scores, GG/NG tips, halftime-fulltime tips and over/under tips in this America nation.

Surebet Brazil is the main source of sure bet tips, football predictions and fixed matches in Brazil. The odds we provide are categorized in 4:

  1. Free predictions

  2. VIP tips

  3. Fixed Matches

  4. Jackpot Predictions


Many punters in Brazil have been scammed by fake tipster in the past and therefore prefer to get free tips before upgrading. We give free tips up to 100 odds a day. Below are free tips for today:


VIP tips come with 5 tickets every day. Each of the tickets come from a different category and carries different odds. The VIP tickets include:

  1. 1X2 VIP tips ticket 

  2. Correct Score Ticket 

  3. GG/NG (BTTS) Ticket 

  4. Over/Under Ticket 

  5. Half time Full time Ticket 

  6. Asian Handicap Tips 

The VIP package costs 12 dollars or equivalent in your currency. It lasts for 3 days. It guarantees you profit but in case of a loss, you get VIP recovery tickets for free.


  1. Register on SurebetSite VIP page. 

  2. In the comment tab, add the payment method. 

  3. Submit the registration form. 

  4. Go to the Payments page and make a payment of 12 dollars or equivalent. 

  5. Fill the confirmation of payment information and submit. 

  6. Wait for 10 to 20 minutes to receive VIP tips. 


Fixed matches are very popular in Brazil.

This is because unlike predictions, fixed matches are guaranteed. This makes Surebet fixed matches more of an investment than a gamble.

Surebet Brazil sells the fixed matches tickets at 30 US Dollars per day or 120 US Dollars per day.

Click below to see how to get fixed matches.

Surebet is a respected source of jackpot tips and predictions. Research and in-depth analysis of jackpot matches is the secret to jackpot tips that increase your chances of winning a jackpot bonus.

Click below to see jackpot predictions:


Due to our great reputation as the best correct score sitebest correct score site and the leading source of fixed matches in Brazil, we have garnered clients from all over the world.

In Brazil alone, we have clients from towns and cities like Acre, Goas, Macei�, Uni�o Dos Palmares, Amap�, Macap�, Amazonas, Itacoatiara, Manaus, Tef�, Bahia, Alagoinhas, Feira De Santana, Ilh�us, Itabuna, Jequi�, Juazeiro, Paulo Afonso, Salvador, Vit�ria Da Conquista, Cear�, Aracati, Crato, Fortaleza, Juazeiro Do Norte, Sobral, Distrito Federal, Bras�lia, Esp�rito Santo, Cachoeiro De Itapemirim, Colatina, Fund�o, Vila Velha, Vit�ria, Goi�s, An�polis, Catal�o, Goi�nia, Goi�s, Ipameri, Jata�, Maranh�o, Alc�ntara, Caxias, S�o Lu�s, Mato Grosso, Cuiab�, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Campo Grande, Corumb�, Tr�s Lagoas, Minas Gerais, Araguari, Barbacena, Belo Horizonte, Congonhas, Conselheiro Lafaiete, Diamantina, Divin�polis, Governador Valadares, Juiz De Fora, Mariana, Montes Claros, Nova Lima, Ouro Pr�to, Passos, Patos De Minas, Po�os De Caldas, Sabar�, S�o Jo�o Del Rei, Sete Lagoas, Te�filo Otoni, Uberaba, Uberl�ndia, Par�, Bel�m, Bragan�a, Monte Alegre, �bidos, Santar�m, Campina Grande, Para�ba, Campina Grande, Jo�o Pessoa, Paran�, Curitiba, Londrina, Maring�, Paranagu�, Ponta Grossa, Pernambuco, Caruaru, Garanhuns, Jaboat�o, Olinda, Petrol�ndia, Petrolina, Recife, Piau�, Floriano, Parna�ba, Teresina, Rio De Janeiro, Angra Dos Reis, Barra Mansa, Campos Dos Goytacazes, Copacabana, Duque De Caxias, Nil�polis, Niter�i, Nova Friburgo, Nova Igua�u, Petr�polis, Resende, Rio De Janeiro, S�o Gon�alo, S�o Jo�o De Meriti, Teres�polis, Volta Redonda, Rio Grande Do Norte, Mossor�, Natal, Rio Grande Do Sul, Bag�, Bento Gon�alves, Canoas, Caxias Do Sul, Novo Hamburgo, Passo Fundo, Pelotas, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande, Santa Maria, S�o Leopoldo, Uruguaiana, Rond�nia, Guajar�-Mirim, P�rto Velho, Roraima, Boa Vista, Santa Catarina, Blumenau, Crici�ma, Florian�polis, Itaja�, Lajes, Tubar�o, S�o Paulo, Americana, Ara�atuba, Araraquara, Barretos, Bauru, Botucatu, Campinas, Catanduva, Cubat�o, Franca, Guaratinguet�, Guaruj�, Guarulhos, Itapetininga, Jacare�, Ja�, Jundia�, Limeira, Mar�lia, Mogi Das Cruzes, Osasco, Ourinhos, Piracicaba, Presidente Prudente, Ribeir�o Pr�to, Rio Claro, Santo Andr�, Santos, S�o Bernardo Do Campo, S�o Caetano Do Sul, S�o Carlos, S�o Jos� Do Rio Pr�to, S�o Jos� Dos Campos, S�o Paulo, S�o Vicente, Sorocaba, Taubat�, Sergipe, Aracaju, S�o Crist�v�o, Tocantins, Palmas


We even have thousands of clients in the neighboring countries below:

Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela


Find out the available sure tips for you today.

Below are links to help you navigate:

  1. Free Tickets Today

  2. VIP tips today

  3. Fixed Matches Today


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